12 Oct It is time to kick butt!
October 12 is National Kick Butt day! The idea behind this day is that you dig deep and find a little extra motivation to tackle some obstacle in your life. Alternatively, it’s a great day to start something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t for one reason or another. If you are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, this is a great day to get started on the path to recovery. You can request more information by filling out this form.
Some other things you can do on Kick Butt Day!
- Sign up for a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn.
- Go the Extra mile to help out someone in need.
- Start a workout plan.
- Commit to improving your diet.
- Apply for a new job.
- Make a donation to your favorite charity.
- Sign up to be a big brother/sister.
- Come up with a plan to end a bad habit or start a good one.
- Start a retirement plan.
- Examine your life and look for ways to make it even better!