25 Jun New MAMA’S Recovery House
The MAMA’S Recovery House (Motherhood and Maternal Addiction Services) first opened its doors to pregnant women and women with young children in March, 2016. MAMA’S is a holistic program providing complete wraparound services that stabilize and strengthen the lives of pregnant/postpartum women affected by addiction. Women enter the housing program after successful completion of residential treatment and are provided safe and affordable housing in a recovery themed and nurturing environment. While attending outpatient treatment, residents meet weekly with the Perinatal Case Manager to work on their individualized case plan with goals that include continued recovery, positive and effective parenting and self-sufficiency.
The Mama’s Recovery House has been getting prepared to move into our new location by the end of June, 2020. The newly renovated building offers 10 fully furnished apartments, onsite laundry, a children’s area with a children’s library, and spacious office areas where house meetings, case management sessions, and educational groups will be held. An added bonus is the fenced in backyard area with the picnic tables and playset. We are all very grateful and excited to get into our new space!